
– My talk at the TUG 2024 conference

Here is the handout of my talk at TUG 2024. I was talking about conversion from HTML to LaTeX (the other direction than I usually do) using LuaXML, responsive design in LaTeX with the Responsive package and about prevention of bad linebreaks in the automatic typesetting thanks to the Linebreaker package.

– The Responsive Package is Now on CTAN

I've released the Responsive package on CTAN. Provided features include font size adjusting for different page sizes, changes of line spacing, typographic scales and media queries.

My talk about the Responsive package is now available on Youtube.

– New Tool on CTAN

I've released a new tool, TeXBlend. This tool compiles individual files that are included as parts of larger documents. It utilizes the preamble of the main document but disregards all other included files.

– Automatic typesetting using LuaLaTeX

At the CSTUG general meeting, I gave a talk on responsive design and automated typesetting using LuaLaTeX. I demonstrated the use of the Responsive, Luavlna, Linebreaker, and Lua-widow-control packages. You can find a recording of the talk and slides on the CSTUG website or on Youtube. Unfortunately, they are only available in Czech, but I hope they can still be useful to someone.



I am a developer of TeX4ht, a converter from LaTeX to HTML, OpenDocument Format, and other XML-based formats.

Supporting Packages

Documentation and Showcases


LuaXML is a XML and HTML parser for Lua. It consists of several libraries.

LuaXML Libraries

LaTeX Packages

My LaTeX packages that are not related to LaTeX to HTML conversion:


Unfinished Projects and Work in Progress

I have a habit to start lot of projects in my hyper-focus seasons. Unfortunately, I often left then unfinished, or mostly finished, but without documentation. Here is a list of these, that are most interesting for me.

Other Projects

I have more FOSS projects on my GitHub page.


I am Michal, a librarian and FOSS developer from Prague, Czechia. I have wanted to create a proper homepage for a long time, but I always had overly ambitious plans, and I ended up procrastinating on other projects instead. As it became evident that I was not going to accomplish all of my plans, I decided to create a minimal page and start from there. I will gradually add more information and, hopefully, also some articles in the future.

What is Kodymirus

Kodymirus was an arthropod that lived in the Lower Cambrian period in the area of today's Brdy Hills in central Bohemia. It is one of the oldest fossils that can be found in the Czech Republic. Why did I choose this name for this site? It doesn't have any deep meaning. I just like the Brdy Hills and paleontology and found this name amusing. That's all.